No. 2 Turns 3

In a few days' time, my younger girl will be turning 3. No more a baby and she insists on that too. We threw her a Dora themed party last weekend and it was just so heart-warming to see her little face light up when she saw the balloons, streamers and banners we put up for that day. "Thank you, Mommy!" with her hands clasped - that made it all worthwhile for me. In our family, it has somewhat become a tradition for the birthday girl to wake up to some sort of decoration in our house. Nothing expensive nor fancy; it is the thought and effort that counts. The looks on their faces: Priceless. It really doesn't take much to make me happy as far as my kids are concerned. Their emotions are worn on their sleeves and I just work at giving them a balanced life; as much as I know what 'balanced' means. She has blossomed into a little being with a very big heart coupled with a quick tongue. Very small and slim in stature. Super ...