8 & nearly 4

Goodness gracious! Can't believe it's nearly the end of 2013 and I'm still blinking at how fast my kids are sprouting right before my eyes! Hardly any time to take stock sometimes, but it is necessary. Apologies for not providing updates regularly though.... I'm either too busy, too tired (old mom syndrome), too distracted and yes, too dang lazy. My elder girl turned 8 recently and I asked a good friend to bake her favourite Oreos Cheesecake. On the cake was to be a photo of her. It was there and then that I started looking at the pics again and realised how time has passed! I love this series of sculptures by Willow Tree; my sis-in-law sent a few to us when we had the girls. http://www.demdaco.com/Parents-with-2-children/00024,default,pd.html?start=20&cgid=1060003&brandId=WT Each time I marvel at my girls, I'm bathed in awe at how my life changed so dramatically when we decided to be adoptive parents. On the back...