Our Lives Are Set For Changes in 2017

My sincere apologies for the radio silence.... I've recently taken a step back to take in all that I have going on in my life and decided to make a few changes.  One of which is, I hope, to be able to blog more.  Either here or somewhere else.  I really feel like a digital dinosaur.  I know I'm a digital immigrant but hey, I've to at least thrive, not just try to survive in this world..... Otherwise, my age will show, haha!

(Note to self:  catch up on digital marketing and the latest online happenings... FAST!)

I've decided to scale down at work and scale up at home..... The elder girl will be in P6 next year and small one will enter P1.  Both will be in the same school and the hubs and I are really really grateful, thankful and chaffed that they are sooooo happy!  We went for the P1 orientation today and the small one had a personal tour of the school already by her big sis.  I could tell by both their expressions that they are both contented - the elder one that she can show the little one around and the little one feeling her sister's love and protectiveness already, was just basking in it.  I could really feel the love. 

I'm beyond words for it and I thank God for moments like this.  Like I've done something right to be able to witness these moments.  They are just indescribable especially when I do have days I wonder where have I gone wrong as their mom.


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