Dream Came True!

I absolutely love love diving.  No, I don't do the Jacques Cousteau, deep blue strong currents type of trips but the lagoon, wall, go with the current, reef dives cos as much as I love the excitement of those Cousteau-ish dives, I must remember that I'm a mom and have kids to take care of when I surface.  Where I happen to spend most of my time - instead of underwater, where I much prefer!  haha!  

Whenever I'm underwater, I am in awe.  If not for my regulator, I would have had my mouth open throughout each dive.  The colours, the creatures (fishes, turtles, seahorses, octopus, squids, nudibranches, soft and hard corals.... the list goes on) are just simply beautiful; all God's creations! 

Can you spot a Frog Fish?

My fave kinda slug - Nudibranch

A sight I never ever tire of

Anyway, my dream came true in Bohol, Philippines.... I've always wanted to show my children the marvels of God's creations and this June, I finally got to dive with my soon to be 13 yo!  It was just #proudmom, #cannotwaittoshowyoustuff, #don'tworryi'mhere moments.  She was very calm for a new open water diver, intake of air was very consistent and regular (very much unlike my first couple of dives!).  I'm really proud of her - my girl is indeed growing up!  Now, I continue to wait patiently for #2 to be heavier and older for her open water.

#proudmom moment

I love you too, baby!

What was my 8 yo doing whilst we were out?  Well, she was underwater too!



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